Thursday, November 29, 2007

Scratch December 8

December 8 won't work - too many people hunting. Forgot about that. I'll get back to you about it soon.

Weekly 1:6 Blog - Nov 29

The S.H.A.P.E. forms are in your mailbox. These forms should be filled out by those who would like to be involved in the ministry of the church somewhere. Actually, everyone should fill one out if possible. Take some time to go over each section. There is a bunch of information in the teaching section with suggestions, etc. for your help with this. I don't expect this to be quick. But I hope it will begin to help people get a sense of what they should be doing and what can be done. We would like to get everyones form back after December 16. You could put them in the mailbox above mine at church.

Week #5 lesson is in your mailbox.

It might be possible to have a copy or copies of all the offices and committees in your mailboxes by Sunday as well. No guarantee.

Hopefully everyone got an email with a spiritual gifts analysis attached. Let me know if you would like copies of that made. Some don't but some of you might, so get back to me if you want some and how many. There are a lot of other good "tests" available. Don't be afraid to use something else. Also, remember to let everyone know that this is a tool - one help in determining what gifts God has given. It isn't exact. There is more information in the teaching section for spiritual gifts as well.

We meet this Sunday and December 16 as well. Week #5 is the last "lesson". I think there is plenty of information for a 6th week if you want more discussion. With the spiritual gifts and S.H.A.P.E. "tools" available, you could do those.

We STILL (arrrggghhh) haven't finalized plans for the spring 1:6 session. I am hoping that today Paul and I can get together - it will depend how long his appointments take. Please know that it is being considered.

I know this is a busy time of year, but I would like to get together for breakfast at Cruisers on Saturday, December 8 around 7:30 AM. This will give Pastor Paul and Aaron both the opportunity to be involved in the discussion. This isn't 100% but I want to finalize this on Sunday so please check your calendars and let me know, either way, (just add a comment on here or email me) so I can make plans. Also, I have to contact the owner of Cruiser's to make sure if that would be okay with him. haha

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

O.C.C. Tuesday Video

Here is a quick edit of some highlights of our trip down to Operation Christmas Child. Taking the bus was the way to go for me! I am so much more rested. Enjoy the video.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

1:6 Update

The week four "Student" lessons are in your mailboxes. The spiritual gifts "test" is good but it is 20 pages long. I am trying to get Diane to work on this while I am away but it is Thanksgiving week. I think I am going to have to email it to everyone so you have it ahead of time.

Remember that we meet two weeks in a row . . . this week and December 2.

More soon.

Didn't Work

Okay, I don't think it worked.

Spiritual Gifts Test

I don't know if this will work or not. I have added a link to the Spiritual Gifts "test" from Dean. I will have them in your mailbox for this week, but thought you might like to see it first. Use them if you would like to this week or subsequent weeks or not at all? ? ?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Weekly 1:6 Blog B

Three things we continually need to emphasize:

1. The "Pastor" is the ADMINISTRATOR; the member are the MINISTERS
2. Ministry is using whatever God has given me to serve him and the needsof others
3. God wants to use me to help the church grow.

The next 1:6 group night is November 25.

Remember we have 4 more 1:6 weeks (including this week, Nov. 11) and only 3 more lessons. Let me know if you need any ideas for the extra week.

Don't forget about the small group teleconference, November 14 @ 4 PM EST. Click HERE for more information. Please let me know if you would like to listen with me.

The Deacons have been working on job descriptions for all the ministries in the church. If they are done in time, we will distribute them to the small groups (and throughout the church) so people can get an idea about some ministry areas that need to be filled.

Dean was planning to send me a "Spiritual Gifts Analysis Test" and as soon as I get it, I will pass it on to you. It might be a tool you can use for that 6th week?

We are looking for ideas for topics for the next 1:6 session meeting in the Winter/Spring. If you could, take an informal survey to see what people would like to study. We may or may not use them. But, it would give us an idea about what people are interested in.

Weekly 1:6 Blog A

I want to make sure this information gets out as early as possible so there will be more later. Please check your email periodically over the weekend for the real "Weekly 1:6 Blog" updates.

Here are some discussion questions for 1:6 for Week 3, November 11.

1. Tell or demonstrate about something unusual that you can do that few people can do. (This goes along with Abilities)(Think of David Letterman's stupid pet tricks)

2. Tell of a place you have visited that no one else in the group has visited. (This goes along with different experiences people have had.)

3. Tell of someone, other than your spouse or children, who means a great deal.

Or . . .

Without naming names, describe someone who you think would benefit from an encouraging note.
(This goes along, somewhat, to our hearts)

4. If anyone is willing, tell the group what you think your spiritual gift(s) is/are.
(This goes along with spiritual gifts)

5. Go around the room and tell which of the following best describes them. (There should be reason to have to explain them before hand. Let each person describe why they think they are most like them.) (This goes along with personality)

Golden Retriever

The above questions could be used this week and next time or only next time. Or, some this week and some next time. Whatever you want to do is fine.

Other questions for this week:

Tell of one thing about your physical appearance that you would like to ask God why he added it to you when he made you. (some probably won't like this question)

Name one or more mistakes that you have made in your life that you try to make sure no one else (especially your children or future children) does. This doesn't have to be personal - things like locking your keys in your car, etc. would be fine.)

I hope these help. I have struggled this week.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Corrections, Teleconference

There was a correction or two on the previous posts. If you don't regually, you might want to go to and get the corrections. It isn't a big deal if you don't. But, it is available if you want to.

Would anyone like to join me for this:

Explosive Small Groups!

Special Guest: Garry Poole, Author and Evangelism leader at Willow Creek Studies show that 84% of church members who are involved in a small group or class remain active in their church for at least 5 years. And, visitors to your church are 5 times more likely to become members if they’re invited to a small group. Small groups matter! Plus, they can used to bring the unchurched into a relationship with Christ! Join author and Willow Creek evangelism leader, Garry Poole and Jennifer Dion of Outreach for a discussion of how to build a successful and outreach-oriented small group ministry in your church. Receive a free copy of Garry’s book Seeker Small Groups, just for attending! Teleconference participants will receive a free copy of Garry's book, "Seeker Small Groups!"

Sign up NOW for the FREE* "Explosive Small Groups " Teleconference

Wednesday, Nov. 14
1 p.m. PST


* Long distance charges may apply depending on your long distance plan - check with your provider.

I have registered and thought if any of you would like to come to the office we could put it on speaker phone. Let me know if you are coming.

Weekly 1:6 Blog

Just another reminder that we are having a leader meeting this Sunday, November 4 at 8:45 AM in the church office.

I am working on questions today, but you might not get them until later. Right now I am having a block.

If there is any way to contact your group and remind them about the Thank-offering service this Sunday Evening, that would be good.

Remember, we won't meet again until November 11.

Helpful Hints 3

JoHannah Reardon wrote an article at about making our small group prayer time more meaningful. He talks about making our prayers more God-centered, praise-filled and life-changing. Here is how he begins his article.

We wrapped up our small group as we usually do, with a time for everyone to share their prayer requests. After we closed in prayer, Tom approached my husband and me. He was considering dropping out of our small group because he felt overwhelmed by the prayer requests. It seemed to him as though everyone's problems were insurmountable, and although we'd been praying for the same things for months, it didn't seem as though anyone's life was getting any better.

Tom's comment was a wake-up call about the way we handled the prayer time in our small group. My husband and I did some soul and Scripture searching to find out what we might be doing wrong. Nowhere in Scripture did we find prayers for Sally's arthritis, Mark's unruly children, or Bonnie's rotten work conditions. The prayers in the Bible were powerful and life-changing, full of God's power and glory.

. . . So should we ignore our problems and pretend they don't exist? Not at all. Instead, we should transform them by putting them into the bigger context of what God wants to do in our lives. We can still take the prayer requests, but consider praying for them in the following ways.

Click HERE to read the entire article - it isn't too long.